Empowering Everyday Aussies to Take Control of Their Energy.

At BeZero, we believe energy should be affordable, accessible, and in the hands of the people—not the big energy companies. With over 20 years of experience in the energy industry, we’ve seen firsthand how rising electricity prices have impacted families, renters, and small businesses.

That’s why we’ve made it our mission to challenge the system and give you the tools to take back control.

We specialize in practical, DIY energy solutions that empower individuals to manage their energy use and save money. From portable power stations to smart devices, solar generators, and home battery backup systems, everything we offer is designed to help you break free from energy giants and make power work on your terms.

Honen Group

Part of the Honen Outsourced Marketing Group

BeZero is proud to be part of the larger Honen Outsourced Marketing Group, a team of innovative brands working to create smarter solutions for modern living. Our sister brands include:

Jousto: Revolutionising energy automation with smart tools that optimise your power usage.

DaveCRM: Delivering powerful, easy-to-use customer relationship management solutions for businesses of all sizes.

Together, we share a vision of building a future where technology and innovation help everyday people thrive.